
About Shouldiff

"Should I FF?" is your League of Legends analysis tool that reveals the hidden story behind each victory and defeat. By comparing each of your stats for games you won or lost, including games that you won via surrender or lost via surrender, Shouldiff provides insights that help you understand and improve your gameplay.

Analysis Perspectives

Your Stats

Track your individual performance metrics and effectiveness

Team Stats

Monitor your team's collective performance and objective control

Enemy Stats*

Analyze the opposing team's achievements and patterns

Core Stats Tracking

Core Stats Tracking

View key stats for each game result to understand your performance and identify areas of improvement for the following categories:

Combat Stats

  • Kills
  • Deaths
  • Assists
  • KDA Ratio
  • Time Spent Dead


  • Turrets
  • Inhibitors
  • Dragons
  • Barons
  • Elder Dragons
Stats Interface Screenshot


Analysis Your Way

Whether it's exact minute-by-minute data, trendlines or both. Take control and view the data in your own way.

Time-Based Analysis

See how stats evolve throughout the match, including death timer impact and objective control patterns

Real-Time Analysis*

Track your performance as the game unfolds, with immediate feedback on key decisions and missed opportunities

Getting Started

  1. Enter any Summoner's information
  2. Review performance metrics and identified opportunities
  3. Use the insights to adjust your gameplay in future matches

* Features currently being worked